Use the module command to manage modules.

You can find information on common module operations below. For full details, see the module man page.

List available modules

Use the module avail command to list all modules available on the system.

> module avail

-------------------------------------------------------- /cm/local/modulefiles ---------------------------------
cluster-tools/6.0     freeipmi/1.1.3        module-info           shared                torque/4.1.3(default)
cmd                   ipmitool/1.8.11       null                  torque/4.1.0          use.own
dot                   moab/7.1.0(default)   openldap              torque/4.1.2          version

-------------------------------------------------------- /cm/shared/modulefiles --------------------------------
blas/gcc/64/1                gcc/4.6.3                    intel/impi/4.0.3             mpiexec/0.84
blas/open64/64/1             gcc/4.7.1                    intel/impi/4.1.0             mpiexec/0.84_432
bonnie++/1.96                gsl/gcc/1.15                 intel/mkl/10.3.11            netcdf/gcc/64/4.2
cmgui/6.0                    gsl/intel/1.15               intel/mkl/11.0.0             netperf/2.5.0
default-environment          hdf5/1.6.10                  intel/tac/8.0.3              openmpi/gcc/1.6.3
fftw2/gcc/64/double/2.1.5    hpl/2.0                      intel/tbb/4.0.5              openmpi/gcc/64/1.4.5
fftw2/gcc/64/float/2.1.5     hwloc/1.3.1                  iozone/3_398                 python/2.4.6
fftw2/open64/64/double/2.1.5 intel/compilers/12.1.0       lapack/gcc/64/3.4.0          python/2.7.3
fftw2/open64/64/float/2.1.5  intel/compilers/12.1.5       lapack/open64/64/3.4.0       python/3.2.3
fftw3/gcc/64/3.3.1           intel/compilers/13.0.0       mam/current                  suitesparse/4.0.1
gcc/4.5.4                    intel/compilers/current      moab/7.1.1-r15-b49-EL5

Interrogate a module

Use the module display command to list the actions that a module will perform on being loaded. Some modules do nothing except set some environment variables, so this is useful for finding out exactly what a module does:

> module display python/3.1.2



module-whatis    Loads the Python 3.1.2 software environment
setenv           root /cm/shared/apps/python
prepend-path     PATH /cm/shared/apps/python/3.1.2/bin
prepend-path     LD_LIBRARY_PATH /cm/shared/apps/python/3.1.2/lib
prepend-path     MANPATH :ignore:/cm/shared/apps/python/3.1.2/share/man


Load a module

Use the module load command to make the specified application available. For example to make Python version 3.1.2 available:

> module load python/3.1.2

This would make the python3 command and associated Python libraries available.

Modules will take care of their own dependencies, and in general, loading one version of an application's module will unload another one already present in order to avoid conflicts.

List currently loaded modules

Use the module list command to see which modules are currently loaded:

> module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) torque/2.4.7   2) moab/5.4.0     3) python/3.1.2

The torque and moab modules are automatically when you log in and should always be available.

Unload a module

Use the `module unload` command to remove the specified module from the current environment. For example, to make Python version 3.1.2 unavailable:

> module unload python/3.1.2

Purge Modules

Use the module purge command to unload all modules, except for the torque and moab modules. These cannot be removed as they are required for job submission

> module purge
> module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) torque/2.4.7   2) moab/5.3.6