Using modulefiles

We use modulefiles to manage software on DIaL3. We also use hierarchicaly modules to hide some of the complexity, and help ensure that user load consistent set of modules. When using hierarchical modules not all modulefiles are visible to begin with. Loading Compiler modules or MPI modules will cause additional modulefiles to become visible.

The main command for using this system is called the module command. To get a list of all options available with this command, you can type:

$ module --help

Which modules are available?

To see a list of all modules installed on DIaL3, use the command:

$ module avail

For more details, please see List of all modules

Which modules are currently loaded?

To see the list of module currently loaded in your environment, please use the command:

$ module list

How to load a module?

To load a module, type the following in you terminal:

$ module load gcc

This will load the default gcc version (gcc/10.2.0 in this case) in your environment. To load a particular version, please use:

$ module load gcc/11.1.0/xu5zmz

How to unload a module?

To unload a module, please use the following:

$ module unload gcc/11.1.0/xu5zmz

How to see which all environment variables are modified by loading a module?

To get more details about all the environmental variables that are added or modified by loading a module, please use the either of the two commands module display gcc or module show gcc. For example, if you type the following in your terminal,

$ module display gcc

You will get an output similar to the following:

whatis("adds GNU Cross Compilers to your environment variables ")
help([[ Adds GNU Cross Compilers to your environment variables,

From above output, it can be clearly seen that the gcc module adds values to the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables.

How to switch to a different version of a module?

To switch to a different version of a module, you can use the module switch older_version new_version command as shown below.

$ module switch gcc gcc/11.1.0 

How to unload all modules?

To remove all modules from your environment, please use the following command.

$ module purge